
Who we are, What we do and Why we do it!

The world needs more positivity and love.. yes this is the hippy side speaking. I'm not saying we need to hold hands and skip around the fire singing all we need is love... although the witchy side is like YES lets get naked and dance around the fire to drums under the moon! I'm saying we all could use a little boost sometimes and some cheering on, which is why I decided to create a space where all would be accepted and we could help each other. As the adventure began to create this space, I realized how similar Witchcraft was to the spiritual and psychic things I was doing. This could totally be combined and work! So I combined the two and have not turned back!  

The intention dolls were created with the highest intention of good and originally started as just being these creepy cute things that were infused with spells. As the years have gone by and I have upped my abilities, they dolls have become more powerful as well and have taken off! I began to add these powers to other things like dreamcatchers , crystal pendants and pendulums. Now, I want this space to conveniently hold all of the items that you need to be successful in your spiritual or witchy journey!  

So who am I?  

I'm literally a 4 foot 11 little pixie creature who can't decide if she's a hippy or a witch.. or a pixie or an alien. I'm just Maddy... a little creature doing little creature things and I love it. I wasn't always happy though, every one has there stories. This is quick run down of mine and why I decided to help others. I began seeing spirits when I very young. I remember getting so mad because these men would have meetings in my living room every night and I would tell them to be quiet. My mom would come out and yell at me to go to bed and never seemed to notice the men. She would walk through all the spiders on my floor like they weren't there, put me back to bed and tell me to stay. Sometimes the spiders would drop from the ceiling and suck on her aura.. she never noticed. The man from sewage pit would come up to try and trick me into going to play in there with him.. my dad never noticed the smell or the gross sludge he left on my bedroom floor. They thought I was insane. It wasn't until years later that I found out this sewage pit man was murderer 2 hrs from my dads house and was wrapped in bandages, and beaten for being a pedophile. They threw his body into the sewage pit.  

Life growing up wasn't the easiest for me. I grew up on a farm with a family who did not understand me, so I keep quiet and distant. I was kicked out by my mom when I was 14 and spent my time between friends house, the streets and back at home when my mom was feeling nice that day. At 15 I dreamt my grandpa was going to die, and I told him. He believed me and went straight to the doctors. He had stomach cancer and it was to late. I flew to England and watched him die the exact same way he died every time in my dreams. He shriveled up into nothing and then flew away into the light. This is when I began to play with spirits again, except now I was an angry teenager who had no idea what she was doing. The amount of pain I caused myself and others was unnecessary but I had no idea, no teacher, no one to talk to. I ended up attracted dark entities, constantly drinking, doing drugs and dropped out of school. By 18 I was living in a run down apartment with my dog and a drug addict. I woke up sober and realized what my life had become. So I pulled out my spell book and manifested a miracle. . . Still having no idea what I was doing. Two weeks later I was pregnant. Yup.. 18 year old me manifested a baby cuz that was gunna fix all my problems. 

I kept that baby, I almost died .. but I didn't cuz the universe had a whole lot of other shit to throw at me still. Turns out my son is also incredibly psychic. We found that out when I went on a date with a psycho path who moved himself in after our first date when my son was just 9 months old. This man invited a demon into my home and I heard it kick my front door open, stomp down the hall wall and then watched it push open my bedroom door.  It walked straight over to my bed and when it sat down it moved the mattress so hard that it bounced me and woke up that psycho in my bed. I ran into my sons room and he pointed at a another thing that began throwing teddys from his closet. I felt like I was in a real life horror movie. Unfortunately, I began this mans prisoner and he completely cut me off from society and moved me so no one could find me. He mentally and physically abused me, eventually getting me pregnant with my second child. This child almost died. I gave birth to her when I was only 5 months pregnant because her father got drunk and it was my fault. After leaving the hospital, I was thrown outside and he took my kids hostage while in a drunken rage. I called for help and we were taken to stay with my step mom. 

I spent years running from this man, but I was determined not to give up. I could not live alone because he would find us and get back in. I eventually decided I needed to just move on and find myself again. I joined a band and they agreed it would be safest if we lived with them. From this point on, things took a major change. I began to work on me, my spiritual gift and my craft for real this time and learn the proper way. That was an adventure on it's own. Let's just say.. removing dark entities and seeing spirits is an every day thing now that I know how not to get possessed or have my energy drained by dark creatures. This is what I want to teach everyone because I don't want you to struggle or suffer. I want to help you heal from your past and become the best you that you can be!  

Fast forward to today... I can say that my past no longer holds me back. I can say I am healed. My trauma no longer affects my relationships or my future. Today I run my own business, I have won music awards, toured across Canada, I have done motivational speaking in schools, held countless workshops to help woman heal, children heal and men heal from past trauma. I am a published model and I am leader of a movement to change the laws on pedophilia so we can protect our children! I have done everything that I have set out to do, and I am ready to accomplish more! 

If you are ready to heal, I am here for you. I will be your support and do all that I can for you. We need to support and love each other because we do not know how hard another persons path as been.  That little bit love and happiness you send could change their life. So I am here to bring you love, happiness, bad ass shit or what ever you need to let that little spark of gratefulness into you life. It's all in once place. 

Love & Light or Fire & Ice.. or what ever the hell should be here.